The meeting location was eventually moved to the Melrose Branch YMCA in Walnut Hills. The number of Black runners and walkers continued to increase, and the club became involved with YMCA programs. ARC coined the phrase “Feet in the Street” to name the 5K foot race ARC organized and directed to support raising funds for youth programming at the Melrose Y. The club has also organized and directed races and fun walks for the Marva Collins College Prep (come Cleaster Mims and now closed) charter school, the Sickle Cell Anemia support group, the Avondale Community Council, YMCA Summerfest, Moms on the Move and the Center for Closing the Health Gap.
The Club awarded its first $1,000 scholarship to the YMCA youth Black Achievers program in 2007. The scholarship was awarded to college bound high school students. In 2007 the Avondale Running Club dedicated itself to making a difference in the Avondale Community Council's effort to promote good health in the community. The club organized and led a 5K fitness walk to launch the annual community Festival and Health Fair. The club also sponsored Miles for Moms, a 1-mile walk for moms and their little ones. In 2008 the Center for Closing the Health Gap contracted with ARC to develop a model walking program for the Walnut Hills and Norwood Neighborhoods.
We have made charitable donations to the Masonic Learning Center benefiting children with Dyslexia, and Re/Max Miracle Miles, benefiting the children’s Miracle Network, an alliance of premier hospitals for children. The Hirsch Recreation Center, Girls CAN, Girls on the run, the Red Cross and Katrina Hurricane relief and the Avondale Youth Council have all been recipients of ARC financial support. ARC is also an annual sponsor of the Avondale Indians knothole baseball teams, providing awards and trophies to all participants. The Cincinnati Diamonds, girls fast pitch softball also enjoys ARC financial support.